Hỗ trợ Giải quyết Tranh chấp về thuế

Handling tax disputes can assume uncertainty & complexity; we possess the expertise to help you take control of dispute resolution process to a favorable treatment.

Vietnam Tax Dispute Resolution

Vietnam’s taxation authorities are under expanding pressure to increase tax revenues, causing a rise in tax audit activity across the countries notably key revenue-generating localities such as HCM-City, Hanoi, Hai Phong, Binh Duong, Dong Nai, and all types of tax especially CIT, VAT and FCT. Particular uncertainty can emerge as global businesses seek to access new and developing markets where the local tax environment may be unfamiliar and highly unpredictable.
This increasing pressure has resulted in more tax audits, larger adjustments, and increased potential for penalties and interest. Whatever business you are in, it’s imperative that you approach your tax matters proactively and be ready to respond if and when a local tax audit begins. DCPA Dispute Resolution services can help you prepare to manage any tax authority challenge through to a successful outcome – favorable tax treatment.

Trưởng nhóm

Tuấn Anh

(CPA, MBA) Tax Partner

Tại sao chọn DCPA

  • Our highly experienced specialists have spent years working with local taxation authorities in various localities and assignments.
  • We help you choose and develop an appropriate resolution strategy.
    Regardless of the situation, DCPA can help you effectively handle your tax disputes.
  • DCPA can help you reduce costs and save time. By identifying potentially controversial issues early in the process, we can save you time and money.
  • As a full-service provider, DCPA is with you from day 1 to accomplishment.  

What DCPA can help you

  • Prepare petition letter for the client’s review
  • Send the final petition letter to the taxation authorities.
  • Visit our maintained contact at the taxation authorities, on client’s behalf, to discuss and explain the tax issue presented in the petition letter, persuading the taxation authorities to accept the client’s opinion.
  • Accompany the client in the tax dispute resolution process to promptly advise the client necessary strategies and specific steps.
  • Receive the response letter from the tax authority, we will notify the client and have it translated into English for your info.
  • If the first petition fails, we will continue to support the client to submit the petition to the higher level of tax administration or the Ministry of Finance or the Government’s Offices.

Dự án tiêu biểu

VAT and CIT compliance and planning; FCT advice for cross-border transactions

Giải thích luật thuế VAT và tư vấn

Audit tax assistance

Other Tax Advisory services

Gửi Yêu cầu Dịch vụ

B17-16, Sunrise City View, 33 Nguyễn Hữu Thọ., Quận 7, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, Viêt Nam

Tầng 2 Helios Tháp A, 75 Tam Trinh., Q. Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội, Việt Nam

+84 965 964 896
