Định giá doanh nghiệp
We help you by supplying impartial and objective analysis and rendering opinions in the course of M&A or any similar corporate transaction you undertake.
Why Valuation
Almost every corporate transaction requires an independent, third-party assessment of valuation to ascertain the fairness of the proposed or offered price. Our team helps clients by supplying impartial and objective analysis and rendering opinions in the course of M&A / corporate transactions undertaken by clients. Our unbiased position protects the integrity of the assessment.
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis, relative valuation (also called comparable valuation – normally consisting of transaction comparable and peer/trading comparable analyses) and Net Asset Value (NAV) or Adjusted Book Value are among the most common valuation methodologies to employ. In certain instances, rule-of-thump valuations are also utilized to the extent available and possible, though mostly for cross-checking purposes.
Valuation can either be independent assignment engaged by a client, or part of a broader engagement (M&A Advisory – the full scope, Transaction Support – less than full scope) toward the goal of deal closing. In the latter case, we will utilize valuation as a tool to assist clients in negotiation with the target/buyer.
Trưởng nhóm
Tại sao chọn DCPA
- Solid expertise of current state-of-the-art valuation methodologies known and applied worldwide
- Access to relevant valuation databases, global and local
- Practical local knowledge enabling a realistic perspective on market dynamics and business growth parameters
- Competitive fees helping you minimize transaction costs
- Deadline commitment preventing you from missing key transaction milestones.
What DCPA can help
- Review a valuation model prepared by your project team
- Prepare a valuation model from scratch with your inputs of historical financials and key forecast parameters
- Prepare a full valuation memorandum based on our own valuation model or your reviewed model, including sections on Vietnam market dynamics and competitive benchmarking
- Review a valuation proposal by an intended acquirer and provide our perspective
- Prepare a formal counter offer in response to an intended buyer’s valuation proposal.
Dự án tiêu biểu

Mekong Capital, công ty đầu tư tư nhân (PE) có vốn của Hoa Kỳ
Cố vấn độc quyền cho bên bán trong thương vụ thoái vốn tại Cty CP Ngô Han, đơn vị đầu ngành trong lĩnh vực dây cáp đồng.

Saigon Capital, công ty quản lý quỹ tập trung đầu tư PE
Sàng lọc tìm kiếm và thẩm định thương mại cho khoản đầu tư tiền IPO vào Cty Ô-tô Trường Long
Other Transaction Advisory services
Gửi Yêu cầu Dịch vụ
B17-16, Sunrise City View, 33 Nguyễn Hữu Thọ., Quận 7, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, Viêt Nam
Tầng 2 Helios Tháp A, 75 Tam Trinh., Q. Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
+84 775 121 131